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Get to Know Me

After attending University and training as a Registered Nurse, I then developed an intense passion for Psychology and my desire to work with and help people became more focused on the mind and emotional and mental health, therefore, back to Uni where I trained as a Counsellor in 2001.

Now as a Multi Modal Therapist and Coach, I use my extensive training, skills and personal experiences to help you break and regenerate the patterns in your life which are no longer serving you. If you are wanting a new direction but have no idea what or where or even why, then I can help you find out the answers and then, make the changes. 

Taking that first step and making a change isn't always easy but it can be the best thing that ever happens to you. We only move forward in life and make great changes when we step outside of our comfort zone and walk new ground. Often to do this, we need support and guidance and that is where I come in. 

Many are faced with situations beyond their control which force a type of transformation, such as redundancy, divorce or losing a loved one which can result in overwhelming, often frightening or confusing, feelings and emotions and this can be a particularly trying time which can create so many questions to which you cannot find the answers. 

I can offer you many methods and solutions to get you to where you want to be in life. Create happiness, peace of mind, joy and success

Life isn't meant to be hard or a struggle! It's meant to be a joy and to be lived to it's fullest potential


It's time to start living your very best life and enjoying every day of it 


Kirsten Fraser is a qualified Counsellor and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist
and is a member of the BPS
(British Psychological Society)

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